Our fantastic uhut owners are showing their wonderful interior design skills in creating some gorgeous, escapist and stylish social spaces for entertaining in.
Take Barbara's fantastic Gin Palace with it's lush velveteen upholstery and festoon lighting creating the kind of space a Parisenne Libertine would have felt very 'Chez Moi' inhabiting.
During the day, the bright beams streaming through the expansive skylight encourage an atmosphere for the consumption of Lady Grey and petit patisserie, and in the evening a wee Harris Gin and tray of amuse bouche wouldn't go amiss.
It's a perfect spot to relax and read or sit staring up at the stars with old friends wondering whether it really is the North Star or the 10.35 arriving from Paris CDG.
Or what about this insanely authentic Bavarian Bierhalle, hidden in the serenity of suburban Barnton.
I could easily see myself brewing pilsner, searing a dozen Bratwurst in the pizza oven and having authentic beer connoisseurs round for 'samplings' and 'storytelling'.
Lastly (and by no means least) for this edition of 'uhut cribs of the rich and famous' is Blackhall's own Funk Central.
Evocative of Ibiza club nights at Ushuaia with its minimalist decor, beer fridge and ambient lighting many a poker school has already been taught in Brian's hidden gem of a destination venue.
Open to a select few, they serve a variety of tinned lagers and competitively priced Prosecco.
(I believe TripAdvisor gives it several stars).
So whatever your style and however you like to spend your time, you can always make a uhut your perfect space.